Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!
Spring Fair is this Saturday and is open to our whole community. There will be fun things to do and lots to eat, drink and share.
The Spring Festival is traditionally celebrated on the last day of school term (Wednesday 21 September this year) and parents and carers are invited to see the culmination of the children’s work so far.
Kindergarten/Boronia Room
It was great to have most of the children back at school again this week. Spring has arrived and we are getting into the energy of Spring.
The children are completing their drink bottle holders in time for the warmer weather and are very proud of the work and skills they have achieved. Samples of the children’s work will be on display in the Kindergarten Room this Saturday 10th September at the Spring Fair. Please drop by with your child to look at their work and say hello.
We will celebrate the last day of term with the Spring Festival on Wednesday 21 September – a note went home this week, please make sure you read it. The children are busy now preparing the work they will present on the day to their family and friends. Each child has a role or specific character they are representing in the circle, so they are feeling very proud and enthusiastic to show their work on the last day of term. Everyone is also welcome to join us in this special celebration of Spring.
See you at the Spring Fair on Saturday (tomorrow!).
Francine and Maya
Class 1/2
It’s been a busy week for Class 1/2. We made (extreme hands on) clocks and have been keeping an eye on the time ever since. Sometimes keeping an eye on it makes it go slower or faster – perception is in the mind of the beholder!
Thank you to Sayoko and, of course, Meredith, who kept up with our lively class whilst the teachers were in a College meeting for the day on Thursday.
We’ve been learning some great folk dancing while Meredith played the violin for us. Coordination, timing, patterns, spatial awareness and joy are just some of the by-products of having a good dance!
We’ve heard stories of giants, Undines (water nymphs) and the importance of Oak Trees and Hawthorn Trees in Irish culture through stories.
We look forward to seeing you by 10:30 for circus at the Spring Fair tomorrow. Please wear bright coloured, no-logo clothes, that are good for doing trickery in!
See you tomorrow!
Julie and Meredith
Class 3/4
This week in Class 3/4 we continued our “Spring on the farm” Main Lesson. Starting with looking at the months of the year, then what seasons make up which month. We then explored the Earth rotating once to make 24 hours, and making one full loop around the sun takes one year. This led to discussion about why the seasons are different on opposite sides of the globe, and how the tilt of the Earth creates the seasons. The children have also started practicing telling the time which will continue next week.
Class 3/4 have also been busy learning the Maypole Dances for the Spring Festival, guided by the experienced Steph! It really requires a lot of teamwork and problem solving.
This was the last week of Eurythmy with Adam for a while. The children were sad to say goodbye – they’ve gained so much from these sessions with him.
Sadly, Isabelle has been unwell, but on the flipside I’ve had such a wonderful time with Class 3/4. All going well, Isabelle will head off to Germany in a few days – we hope she has a lovely time with her family whom she hasn’t seen in many years!
Warm wishes and see you at the Spring Fair,
Soumya and Holly
Class 5/6
This week Class 5 were delighted to receive their compass sets – a much-anticipated rite of passage that began with their Freehand Geometry Main Lesson in Class 4. They joined with Class 6 in a review of how to use a compass, and we began with the construction of some beautiful geometric art forms. We also used a straight edge to create the hull of a parabola. We look forward to showing you these in our classroom display at the Spring Fair tomorrow!
For the remainder of term we will use our tools to construct, bisect and measure angles as we find shapes within our mathematical art works and be introduced to the five platonic solids: tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedrons.
The students have also been busily completing their group tasks for our Novel Study, which will be presented on the classroom wall before the end of term. Maps and descriptions of settings, character interviews and plot analysis have helped students delve into how a book is crafted. We also continue to explore the themes of our Australian History Main Lesson.
It will be wonderful to have all students at the Fair tomorrow to perform both their Circus acts and also in our School Orchestra. Please remind your child to stay near the classroom after Circus Skills as the Orchestra performance will begin shortly after.
Have a lovely weekend,
Steph and Lee