When will my child learn to read?

In the early years we focus on an imaginative play-based curriculum and work with speech, storytelling, phonics, and shared reading to develop children’s pre-literacy skills. Formal reading instruction commences in Year 1.

How to pay school fees

We use Edstart, an online fee management system, designed to improve our school fee payment options. From Term 1 2024, all school fees including annual and periodic payments will be managed by Edstart. Learn more here, or visit edstart.com.au/bluemountainssteiner to set up and create your account today.

Is the education academic?

Our students have comparable academic skills with respect to their counterparts in other educational settings. Our curriculum is based on the Australian Steiner Curriculum Framework and we meet and exceed the BOSTES requirements.

How does a play-based approach to the early years of schooling prepare children for the high-tech world in which we live?

There is no demonstrated advantage for a child starting to use computers at the age of five over a child who begins at age twelve. Computers, as tools and vehicles for logical thinking through programming, are suited to the realm of the adolescent, not the young child. We begin formal computer work in Class 6 and ensure that the children are adept at using the required programs necessary for high school.

We endeavour to engage our students through movement and imitation. The fantasy and play of the young child transform into the artistic imagination of the primary school child and the questioning of the teenager who harnesses creative and clear thinking to problem solve and innovate.

How do children fare during the transition to high school?

The transition from primary to secondary school, usually takes place without significant difficulties. Steiner education builds capacities, keeps the mind and imagination fresh, and awakens life interests. The children take these qualities with them into future educational settings and are generally perceived as self-motivated and engaged students.

What if there are difficulties between the class teacher and the student?

This is a common concern among parents when they first hear their child may be spending several years with a class teacher. At BMSS every teacher stays with a class for only two years and the classes are re-composited every year. Incompatibility with a child is infrequent, as understanding the child’s needs and temperament is central to the teacher’s role and training. When problems of this sort do occur, the faculty as a whole works with the teacher and the family to determine a resolution.

How does the Steiner approach challenge the children who begin first grade as fluent readers?

Our developmentally appropriate and thematic curriculum increases capacities in all spheres including the: academic, emotional, social, physical and spiritual. Our kindergarten program is aligned with our primary school program, to ensure all children are working along a continuum and according to their capacities The approach to writing and reading involves the child’s mind, body and feelings, which provides a meaningful connection with the work that maintains the interest, involvement and delight of even the most intellectual of children. Imaginative play and the arts have a nurturing influence on the young child. Images from fairy tales and myths provide a rich context for the child to engage with academic learning.

Are Steiner schools religious?

Steiner schools are non-denominational. Our students experience the different religions and spiritual beliefs through festivals and main lessons on history and different cultures.

How can I share my feedback with the school?

Every year we send out a survey so we can hear how we are doing, so we can be sure we are putting our resources to work in the most beneficial areas. Your feedback helps us to continually improve our connection with our community. You can also send in any Compliments or Complaints via this form on our website.

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