Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!
Kindergarten/Boronia Room
A quick update on the Kindergarten Autumn Festival planned for Wednesday 10th April at 10am. The festival will go ahead regardless of the weather on the day. We have enough room to take the festival inside the classroom if required or hold it in the garden as planned. Bring your children to school at 10am and dress in Autumn colours for the event. (Please bring some home baked goodies to share for morning tea).
The children are practising daily for the Festival. Children and parents will be invited to make one large circle in the outside play space, as part of the Autumn celebrations. After the circle there will be a shared morning tea, then Kindergarten children and their families can head home together or parents can head off by 11.00/11.30am, returning for pick up at 3pm.
The children are working hard to complete their craft projects in time for the festival. It has been an absolute joy getting to know the children this term. The children are all so beautiful, enthusiastic, and full of life and it is such a pleasure and honour to work with them.
I look forward to more adventures together in the next term.
Wishing everyone a relaxing and restful Autumn break.
Warmly, Francine
Class 1/2
As we approach the end of term, we have been focusing a lot more on our play practice for the St Michael Festival. We hope to see you all there on Tuesday, 9th April. Children are required to be at school at 5:15pm, come straight to their classroom and the performance will begin at 5:30pm.
It is with heavy hearts that we announce that Daphne, Class 2 will be leaving at the end of this term. Daphne has been with us since Kindergarten and we wish her and her family all the best with her transition and what the future will bring. Please keep in touch Daphne!
We hope that all families have a wonderful, relaxing and rejuvenating break! We will see you back at school on Wednesday, 1st May for Term 2. Happy holidays!
Soumya and Amy
Class 3/4
I cannot believe how fast this term has gone by.
There will be a few changes next term. I will be on long service leave and then I will be back for Term 3. Kath Turner will be teaching the class and Meredith will be assisting. As you are most probably aware, Kath has spent some time with the class and is familiarising herself with the daily routines and personalities of your children! Please communicate with Kath with regards to class matters for Term 2.
We have been working on the ‘Zones of Regulation’ with Renee Gare. These zones help us understand more about how our nervous systems function. We can learn to be more aware of when our bodies feel under alert or over alert, and then do some simple practices to help us navigate our way back to an optimal regulation. The zones relate to our ability to self-regulate and also help us to identify what we may need to do in order to come to a place that is useful and constructive.
Phaedra and her family are leaving the school, and we wish them all the very best and will miss them very much.
While I am away, I hope to delve into the lands of Greece and Italy and come back with much vitality and perhaps a bit more wisdom from the stories of those cultures.
Thank you to everyone for all your support this term.
With best wishes,
Julie and Meredith
Class 5/6
We have started a kindness tree, which is where everybody has a large envelope with their name on it hanging from the tree Elizabeth has made. Everyone must place a kind word or a message in every envelope.
Our shallot experiments are going really well. Some of our shallots have grown up to 19.25cm in fourteen days.
We have another project, where we are growing carrots and cauliflower in our school garden and Annie, our gardener, is helping us.
The St Michael play is going really well. We have been practicing every day and it keeps getting better and better.
Arya, Class 6
I cannot believe the term is actually drawing to a close. I feel it has gone very quickly, but I am delighted to say Class 5/6 has grown as a class ‘team’ and are working so well together. We have been stretched academically (learning essay writing, decimals, and graphing for the first time) and socially (interacting with people that are different to ourselves). I am so proud of all the work Class 5/6’s has done and cannot wait to do more extraordinary things next term!
I hope you all have a well-deserved break.
Elizabeth and Lee