Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

Midyear School Reports are out for Kindergarten this week. These reports are being sent out before the Primary Classes, as the Kindergarten reports are to be followed up with individual Parent/Teacher Interviews. A few families are still to book in for their interviews which will begin next Monday afternoon.

Please make a note of the Kindergarten Winter Lantern Walk and Spiral to take place in Week 9 on Friday 28th June at 5.30pm.

This week Annie the school Gardener roasted some chestnuts for us to try. We sat in the garden in the wind and cold air, peeled and ate warm chestnuts together. What a wonderful Winter treat!

After tasting a chestnut or two, the children were encouraged to feel and smell a raw chestnut before placing them in pots to grow. At the end of the day all the children proudly carried their pots off home, where they can tend and care for their nut in the hope that it will sprout and one day grow into a beautiful Chestnut Tree.

Enjoy being cosy and warm this weekend.

Class 1/2

We have had a really fun week of “making” and “doing”. On Tuesday, we made butter by shaking cream in a jar with marbles. It took a lot of elbow grease; we opened the jar every 5 people to see how the cream had changed from being churned. The children helped Kathryn grind rice into flour which is a great physical activity, that required a lot of teamwork and focus. We will use the rice flour for baking another time! Renee helped children to peel vegetables which was turned into soup for the teachers.

The children also kneaded the bread together. That afternoon, we enjoyed fresh bread with fresh butter! We then did some joint writing about the activities and followed this up the next day.

Gardening has continued, and this week the children helped Annie to prepare one of the beds for planting seeds. They cleared it, put down mulch and continued weeding/cutting around it. We look forward to lots more time in the garden, and lots more making of things as part of this Main Lesson “Local Surroundings”.

We hope everyone had a lovely long weekend! A reminder that our Winter Spiral Festival is next Friday, 21st June which is the Winter Solstice. The children will need to be at school at 5:15pm for the winter story in their classroom.


Class 3/4

We are all feeling rejuvenated after the long weekend and eased back into Tuesday with a walk to Turtle Rock. It was wonderful to see the children building fairy gardens, playing Fly, and grinding rocks to make face paint.

Class 3/4 have enjoyed exploring 3D shapes recently. As usual I am astounded by the children’s creativity and dexterity. Apparently, the shapes we made could also become cool cities and excellent party hats.

The children were so excited to see Sayoko again this week. During our Japanese language lesson, the children listened to a story, sang songs, and made beautiful origami.

Many of the children have begun a new craft project, knitting needles have made a comeback and we are flying through the wool. Many thanks to Miriam’s grandma Sue for her patience and support during our craftanoons!

Best wishes,
Kath and Meredith

Class 5/6

My name is Arya, and I am in Class 6.

Everyone has now settled into our normal routine in class, after a wonderful camp at Yarramundi last week.

We have just started an exciting new main lesson on Geology. We have been studying rock formations and the rock cycle. We have also been doing assessments for reports coming up.
Class 6 has been rehearsing a fire sticks dance to perform and the whole class has been making lanterns for the winter spiral coming up next Friday, 21 June.