Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!


“In the heart of the seed, buried deep, so deep,
A dear little plant, lay fast asleep.
Wake, said the sun, and creep to the light.
Wake, said the voice, of the raindrop bright.
The little plant heard, and arose to see,
What the wonderful outside world might be.”

This week in the Preschool we celebrated Archer’s 3rd birthday with his special birthday story and a wholesome fruit platter. “Happy Birthday, Archer!”

The warmer weather has meant we have been able to share morning tea outdoors together while sitting amongst the flowers and listening to the birds sing and flutter about us.

Our story this week was “Mrs. Tree Wakes Up,” a spring tale about Mrs. Tree being woken up from her Winter’s sleep and Lady Spring giving her the gift of new leaves and flowers and a place for the birds to build their nests. This story involved the children’s participation, and we have watched them this week proudly taking part and acting out Mrs. Tree.

We continue to celebrate Spring through craft and song and cannot wait to welcome you all to our Spring Festival on Thursday 3rd October from 2pm-4pm. Join us for Maypole, songs, crafts, and afternoon tea. See you there!

Have a warm and wonderful weekend!

The Preschool Team 🌸

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

Our third term together is nearing its end. We have passed through the cold days and nights of winter to embrace the gentle golden sunlight and joyful beauty of Spring. We made mice in our craft time and listened to stories of adventure and exploration, to arrive at crafting rainbow-coloured Spring birds and listening to tales of caterpillars who change into butterflies with golden wings.

Next Wednesday the Kindergarten children will celebrate the Spring with a display of their copper rod work to family and friends. This is a series of challenging movement exercises with verses and songs, designed by Jan Baker Finch (Brisbane-based Eurythmy teacher).  The children and I are looking forward to sharing this unique movement work with everyone.

I wish all our children and their families a joyful and happy holiday break. I am off to Japan for 3 weeks and will return in Week 2, Term 4, with stories of my adventures. Kath Turner will take my place to welcome the children back for the first 3 days of Week 1, Term 4.

Thanking everyone for their warm ongoing support.

Best wishes,


Class 1/2

We have been busy preparing for the Spring Festival, which is next Wednesday 25th September, starting at 11:45am. Class 1/2 will be performing two Scottish dances. Please help your child to dress in festive “Spring-like” clothing.

A reminder, if you can contribute any foliage on the day, we will be using it to make Spring crowns. Please drop it off to the breezeway outside Class 3/4.

We hope you all have a relaxing time over the holidays! The first day back is Wednesday, 16th October.

Best wishes,

Soumya and Amy

Class 3/4

Gosh time flies when you’re having fun! This term has passed by so fast. I can’t believe it! We have begun a new Main Lesson which will spring up again during our practice lessons next term. It is called ‘Is your cup half empty or half full?’ And it is a maths lesson on volume and mass and their units of measurement. I chose this title as I feel it is a good time at age 9 (approx.) to start thinking about how we interpret our interactions in the world… If our cup was half full when we woke up and then it felt half empty at some point in the day, the question we may want to ask ourselves is, ‘what was the reason for that change?’ It may have been something insignificant, or it may have been something bigger.

In our class we are working on identifying how we feel and what we can do when various feelings arise. No feelings are bad, it is more about what we do when we are experiencing them. We have also been working with the idea and using the catch phrase of, ‘building up trust,’ so that we have healthy caring friendships and where we learn to ‘pay attention’ to what is required to feel safe and happy.

On another note, can you please send a bag in for any books that need to be taken home. Our cross-stitch projects are not complete, so they won’t be going home these holidays. Please check lost property for any missing clothes. Please return or swap any readers.

I look forward to seeing you on our Spring Festival Day. A note was sent home about it this week.
Have a happy and safe holiday
Julie and Meredith

Class 5/6

Hi, my name is Saar, and I am in Class 5/6 where we have been learning about Australia.

We watched a video about Captain Cook and how he claimed Australia for England and took it from the Aboriginal people.

We have been learning about Federation and how Australia used to be six separate colonies. Did you know, before Federation, every time the train crossed the border, they had to change trains because the tracks were different sizes?

A couple of days ago, we learned about poetic techniques; for example, metaphors, personification, rhymes, and alliteration.

We also have been drawing a title page for our Australian main lesson.


Class 5/6 student