Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

Welcome back to Term 4! It is so lovely to see all the children rested and glowing for their holidays. I am enjoying being back together again for the last term of Kindergarten. 

Two new children have joined the group – Nikitha Vella and Sebastiano Murer. We are delighted to welcome these children and their families to our school community.  

It would be wonderful to see everyone at the School’s 40th Birthday celebration on Saturday, 21 October from 4pm. 

Warm regards, 

Francine, Zenith, and Alannah 

Class 1/2

Welcome back to Term 4, we have been excited to see all the children back at school, a little bit taller, a few less baby teeth and a few more adult teeth, haircuts, and longer legs. We hope that you all had a restful and refreshing break.  

This term is filled to the brim with exciting events and excursions. In Week 3 we will have our Swimming Intensives where the children venture to the Springwood Pool every day for swimming lessons. Grandparents Day will be in Week 4. The class camp will be held in Week 6, which the children have already been asking about. We will also be presenting our Class play in Week 8. Please check the parent calendar for all upcoming events.  

This week we started our new maths Main Lesson: Marcel’s Magic Craft Market. The children are excited to be exploring the concepts of estimating and comparing the distance, length, and mass of classroom objects. As well as playing our own Market Stall games to revise the four processes. We also welcome Jess back for Italian lessons on Wednesdays, the children were very excited to hear her stories from Italy.  

In some general housekeeping reminders, we ask that children do not bring toys to school that are not handmade. The toys can become very distracting for the children and are often lost in the playground, causing much distress. Can all children please have a hat and drink bottle every day this term, as well as a full lunch box for fruit/veg snacks, recess, and lunch.  

Once again, we warmly welcome all of our class community back and look forward to a busy and exciting term. 

Amy and Soumya

Class 3/4

Welcome back everyone! 

We have begun this term with a flying start. Mare, our violin aficionado, is on tour in New Zealand for most of this term. However today she came in to teach 3/4 and then the class performed for the rest of the primary school. It is so great to see how much the children have learnt and the way their confidence has grown has been beautiful to witness. 

Our first Main Lesson is about performance making: Let the Play Begin. We will be focusing on preparing for our class play. Throughout this process we will be practicing drama skills that involve body and vocal work, which will help to bring awareness to how we can use our body and voice to create more versatility and ‘wake up’ new pathways within ourselves. 

There is a lot happening this term. Please check the school calendar for important dates. This will help to support your child’s involvement in all activities. I believe that the more they are prepared, the less they worry about trying new things. 

I am organising a two-night camp. More information soon. In preparation for this camp, if all children could have a pair of water shoes (I think they are less than $10 from Big W), that would be very helpful. 

Here are some events happening. Please check dates in the calendar: 

  • Week 3 Swimming Intensive (Classes 1-6) and music performance (Class 4 only for music) 
  • Week 4 Grandparents’ Day and Class 3/4 play 
  • Week 6 Class 5/6 play 
  • Week 7: Class 3/4 camp to Patonga 
  • Week 8: Class 6 Fun Day and Class 1/2 play 

We have sunscreen in our classroom, but if your child requires a particular sunscreen (e.g., one for allergies or sensitive skin), please put it in their school bags, so they can apply it during the day. It is really hot at the moment! 

Please contact me if you need to. 

Have a great weekend, 

Julie and Meredith 

Class 5/6

Welcome back to school, everyone – for Class 6, the final term of their primary schooling! They are spending time looking back, and looking forward as they begin to write their profiles for the yearbook, plan their special Farewell evening and attend high school orientation days. We hope you all have a great term!  

Class 5 have been busily exchanging wonderful letters with Aurora Steiner School in Bowral ahead of the Greek Olympics where they will get to meet each other, as well as students from Orana (Canberra) and Mumbulla (Bega) Steiner Schools. They will be designing chitons (tunics) with embellishment in their City State colours – please note that Class 5 students for our Canberra camp will require a white tee shirt and white shorts to wear under their garment, preferably plain with no logos or images. Information on the Class 5/6 camp, where Class 5 will remain at Birrigai Outdoor Education Centre and Class 6 will head into Canberra each day, will go home with a note shortly. The dates are below. Thank you to everyone who is buying our fundraising seedlings – there are plenty more at the office for your spring planting! 

In Week 3, students will be undertaking a swimming intensive – please have a look now for goggles, swimmers that fit, etc. (rashies preferred, no two-piece costumes please). Goggles are really important for learning technique and also for games.  

The Main Lesson plan for our term will involve running two units alongside each other for the first six weeks, being Astronomy and the Class Play production. This will allow for a longer delve into the various spheres of each topic. Class 6 will be presenting the Helen of Troy play, and Class 5 will be producing stories from the Greek myths. Our final main lessons for the term will be Business Maths (incorporating the Class 5/6 Fun Day fundraiser) and then Physics (light, heat, sound, and magnetics). We look forward to incorporating our new cajons as part of our Acoustics learning! Our Maths practice lessons this term will start with a review of fractions, decimals, and percentages, as well as a check-in quiz of where the facts of the multiplication tables learning is up to – not far to the finish line of those for many students! 

Next Thursday, Paul Glass and Martin will take us on an excursion to Hatter’s Hideout at Dargan as part of our learning for Aboriginal culture, history, and geology. A note will go home shortly. Please also take special note of the date for the Class 6 Farewell. Class 5 families we will need all hands on deck please to support this wonderful tradition

Below are some dates for your diary: 

  • Wednesday 18 October Italian Cooking Day 
  • Thursday 19 October Hadder’s Hideout excursion to Dargan 
  • Monday 23-Thursday 26 October Swimming Intensive at Springwood 
  • Friday 27 October Classes 4-6 at Kindlehill for the Combined Schools Music Day 
  • Wednesday 1 November: Grandparents morning (9.30-11am followed by morning tea). 
  • Monday 6-Thursday 9 November (Week 5): Class 5/6 Greek Olympics/ Canberra Camp 
  • Tuesday 14 November: Class 5/6 Play 6.30pm 
  • Monday 20 November: Class 5/6 Funday Monday 
  • Friday 1 December: Class 6 to Raging Waters Sydney 
  • Saturday December 9 from 4.30pm Class 6 Farewell. 

Have a great weekend! 

Steph and Lee