Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

We are missing the sun, but the days are longer and the flowers and trees are in bloom everywhere. Welcome to Term 4!

The children are happy to be back, some are taller and many are missing teeth. It is lovely to see everyone again and hear all about the holiday adventures.

The children will be working on their seat covers for Class 1 and making some visits to Class 1/2 during this term. Please note that there is a Class 1 Parent Meeting on Tuesday 8th November (Week 5) for the parents of those children transitioning into Class 1 for 2023. (This meeting is for parents only.)

On Friday 25th November (Week 7), Paul Glass will hold an Aboriginal Cultural experience for the Kindy children down on the mini-oval as part of their Bush Kindy Program.

The school term ends on Wednesday 14th December. We ask that children arrive at school later than usual on that day, at 10am. The children come to school with their parents in a similar manner to last term’s festival. After the children have shared a presentation of their work, we will celebrate the year with a delicious morning tea. This festival marks the end of the school year for the children. The festival will conclude at 11.30am, allowing families and children to head home or attend the Primary celebrations in the company of their parents.

We are looking forward to sharing these Kindy events with the children during this fourth term.

Warm regards,

Francine and Maya

Class 1/2

Welcome back! It’s great to see all the children. They all look like they’ve grown just that little bit taller!

We have quite a busy term ahead of us.

  • Week 2 is our swimming intensive (Monday-Friday)
  • Week 6 Classes 2 and 3 will have a sleepover on Thursday 17 November
  • Week 7 our class play will be on Wednesday 23 November at 6:30pm

Amy Brownlee is completing her final teaching practicum in our class. Amy has been teaching at school for a while now and knows the children well. We look forward to having her lovely presence in our class. Julie will be on Long Service Leave in Week 4.

Our first Main Lesson is a maths lesson called Marcel’s Magical Craft Market.

Happy weekend,

Julie, Meredith and Amy

Class 3/4

Welcome back everyone to Term 4! We hope everyone had a lovely holiday break – it is lovely to see the Class 3/4 children back at school, refreshed and happy. 

This week, the children have started the Main Lesson Northern Myths – the Stories from Iceland and beyond. Together we have read and discussed the story “Thorkill of Iceland”, about a hero who triumphs over trickery and magic and endures great hardship. He leads his crew to safety – but only if their hearts are true. The children have listened intently as the characters attempt to slyly change the mind of their king in order to get their way.

Next week we look forward to Isabelle returning to class after having some wholesome time with family in Germany.

Have a lovely weekend,

Soumya, Amy and Holly

Class 5/6

Welcome back everyone! This is an exciting term, especially for Class 6 who are undergoing important rites of passage within the many events planned, as they reflect fondly on their time at our school as well as eagerly anticipate their next chapter in education.

We have begun the term by constructing a perfect square and an octagon within our circle for our Geometry Main Lesson (as the students have been enjoying it so much!) before we tackle our Class Play unit from Monday.

Other Main Lessons will include astronomy, algebra, science and also a digital technology unit. Our mathematics focus from next week will be a Business Maths Main Lesson, where we will first examine the expenses incurred to build the exciting Class 6 2022 gift to the school, a ‘Ga Ga Ball’ pit (the class enjoyed its inaugural game this week!).

We will be using authentic tasks such as this and preparing for the various fundraising activities of the term to deepen our grasp of decimals and percentages. The class brainstormed some fundraising ideas yesterday as we plan to contribute toward our camp, Class 6 Farewell and the Class 6 gift to the school. Stay tuned, this and the Class 6 Fun Day activities and fundraising are so much fun!

We have also begun our debating unit this week, and currently the students are preparing their first debate on the themes of Halloween and how it fits within our southern hemisphere culture and our local community.

We are also planning for our camp (notes will go home shortly) – this will now be at the Milson Island Sport and Rec facility, (immediately post-pandemic, bookings in Canberra and its alignment with Greek Olympics event previously held by Canberra’s Orana school have been sadly frustrated).

However, we are excited to announce a local event with peers at from Kindlehill School, and the students will soon be learning Greek wrestling, discus, javelin, long jump and marathon techniques with Lindsey in preparation.

The swimming intensive is on every day next week – please ensure your child has a towel, swimmers and goggles every day.

Important dates for your diary:

  • Next week every day: Swimming intensive
  • 3 November Thursday: Visit to State Parliament (travel by train).
  • 10 November (Thursday) 7pm: Class 5/6 Play
  • 14-16 November: Class 5/6 Camp to Milson Island
  • 24 November (Friday): Class 5/6 Fun Day
  • 2 December (Friday): Class 6 Excursion to Raging Waters
  • 10 December (Saturday): 5pm Class 6 Farewell (NOTE: All Class 5 parents, carers and students are needed to help on the day and through the evening please!)
  • 12 December (Monday): Whole-school bushwalk and picnic
  • 14 December (Wednesday): Summer Assembly and final day of term.

Have a great weekend!

Steph and Lee