Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

Kindergarten Parent/Teacher Night is set for Tuesday, 20 February at 7pm in the Kindergarten Classroom.  RSVP to Karen in the office and let her know of your attendance at the meeting. (Please note that this is an adult only event.)

The children are settling in well and they are very beautiful and a delight to work with.  The children are experiencing their first full week of the Kindergarten program, so they may be coming home tired but also very happy.

Highlights for this week have been, the celebration of Otis Turbet’s 5th Birthday. Story telling with Kiran Sharh explaining the Chinese zodiac and helping us to understand the significance of the Chinese Lunar New Year. This was supported and enhanced by the giving of little red envelopes to all the Kindergarten children from Joshua Sellaro’s family, (a very kind and special treat for us all).

The children also planted some scented plants in a new garden bed with Annie on Wednesday. Craft day on Thursday saw the extension of our fish mobile, with many of the children moving onto their second fish and embracing sewing with enthusiasm.

We also welcomed our two sessional Kindergarten children to the group on Monday and  the children got to meet their sports teacher Lindsey Pacchini. We all had lots of fun playing on the ball court running, chasing and learning to throw bean bags.

Don’t forget everyone is welcome to join in on a family bush walk and breakfast on the mini oval on Friday mornings at 7.30am.  This community event is hosted by Paul Glass and Stephanie Smith. Please come along.

With warm regards,


Class 1/2

Warami Parents and Carers,

As we come to the second week of Term 1, we have watched the children settle in nicely to their new classroom space. This week we began looking at our Class Values: listening, kindness, learning, safety, inclusion, healthy friendships. The children learn about these values through weekly circle class discussions and role modelling by the teachers and staff. The Values align with our Restorative Practice program and are helpful when engaging in restorative conversations with the children.

The morning circle rhythm has settled as the children are now learning the words and actions to the songs and verses. The children have especially enjoyed learning our Dharug Language song Warami.

This week Class 1 have continued with their form drawing Main Lesson as they prepare their fingers for the Letter Lesson next week. They have been creating beautiful forms and have enjoyed hearing the story of Peter and Lucy who go off on an adventure to meet Old Man Forest who shares his wisdom and riddles. Class 2 began their “Animal Tales” Main Lesson this week. They delighted in the cheeky adventures of the Mouse Deer and the Tiger, and worked hard on creating beautiful, detailed drawings.

Term 1 date reminders

  • Week 6, 4-8 March: School photos; exact day TBC
  • Week 7, 15 March: Class 1/ 2 excursion Teddy Bear’s Picnic
  • Week 8: Parent Interviews – A note will be sent out to book online
  • Week 11, 9 April: St Michael’s Festival.

Please remember to send your child in with a raincoat and a hat every day, as the weather can be very unpredictable at the moment.

Class 2 Readers have gone home this week. We encourage the children to read the book twice over two nights at home with a parent or carer and return it to be swapped over regularly. Ideally two books a week will support your child’s reading development to progress steadily. We are also missing some readers from last year, could families please have a good look at home for our precious readers to be returned.

If you need to reach out for any reason during the year, you can email us directly:

Amy –

Soumya –


Amy and Soumya.

Class 3/4

The class is settling in well and we have been setting up our daily rhythms with ease. The children have been painting everyday as part of our first Main Lesson. Thank you to Meredith who has had a big job everyday preparing for this activity! Everyone is working hard on revising maths concepts, practicing spelling, drawing and as a class we are writing a poem for each of the Main Lesson stories.

Mare is back for violin lessons this week and Class 3 looking forward to learning new skills along with Class 4.

I will send out a separate email with a handout from the information night that happened on Tuesday. Thank you to those people who could make it. For those who could not come, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me:

 Have a lovely weekend,

Julie and Meredith

Class 5/6

This week Class 5/6 enjoyed a Meet the Teacher night – the classroom was packed with interested parents sitting at their child’s desk! Stephanie did an excellent job rallying our parents together and providing opportunities for parents to be more involved with the school and Kathryn entertained us with her juggling skills and explanations about how this age group is ready for new physical challenges. Many of the girls are already up for physical challenges and keen to use their gymnastics skills to entertain the class in performances. Zene also dazzled us with the use of her ribbons in a graceful Eurythmic display. Almost every Class 5/6 child plays one or two instruments, so we will be in for a treat at this year’s festival performances.

We continue to delve into the world of storytelling this week enjoying finding the common threads in vastly different narratives: a refugee family’s plight in “Boy Overboard” and the wacky Dr Seuss-style children’s book “The Helaphantoo.” Not a dull moment in Class 5/6 as we journey together in being both critical and creative.

Elizabeth and Lee