Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

Kindergarten Parent/Teacher Night – Tuesday 20 February 2024 at 7pm in the Kindergarten Classroom. Please RSVP to Karen in the office to let her know of your attendance at the meeting. Please note that this is an adult only event. 

Over the last two weeks the children have been jumping imaginary waves, digging sandcastles, and catching fish, in our “Down to the Sea” morning circle. If you can make it to the Parent/Teacher Night next Tuesday, parents will also have an opportunity to experience some morning circle work. 

Along with drawing, bread making, sewing, and playing, the children have created another new garden bed in the Kindergarten playground with the help of our school gardener Annie Cohen. This garden bed is all about shade loving plants as the children are working on regenerating the shaded, dry area above the sand pit. 

Please encourage your children to rest and recharge over the weekend as they are working hard during their days at school. 

Warm wishes, 


Class 1/2

Class 1/2 have had a few different teachers this week and really shown a lot of resilience in the face of change.  

To start the week, we had a beautiful session of painting with Freya. She showed the children how to dip their paintbrushes, how to paint in a particular direction and how to mix colours. Freya will be doing this every fortnight on a Monday morning. 

Class 1 have continued their Main Lesson with Form Drawing. It has been slow and gentle, learning how to beautify and take care with our work. They’ve also been learning some board games, which requires social skills of co-operation and turn-taking. 

Class 2 continued their Main Lesson of Animal Fables. They delighted in hearing the sneaky, funny, wild things the animals get up to, reflecting on the characters and translating this into a drawing and sentence.  

This week, we sent out an email about classroom helpers – please respond if you’re able to help out! 

Term 1 date reminders 

  • Week 6 
    • (4-8 March): School photos; exact day TBC 
    • (15 March): Class 1/2 excursion Teddy Bear’s Picnic  
  • Week 11
    • 9 April: St Michael’s Festival 

 A very happy birthday to Alice, who turned 8 years old this week! 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Soumya and Amy 

Class 3/4

The class has settled more this week, and our routines and rhythms are falling into place.  

A few things:  

  • Readers are being sent home and ideally the children should read them three times before swapping them over.  
  • Water bottles and raincoats need to be sent to school every day. These things help your child to have a smooth-running day.  

The children are learning to crochet. My brain almost exploded trying to teach everyone…! So, with the help of Rowena, Karuna, Meredith and our expert crocheter, Karen, the children are getting the hang of it. We’re aiming to make new water bottle holders, as the ones that were made in Kindy are getting to the end of their useful lives! 

Important: The bushwalk with Paul on March 1 has been postponed. We’ll do it in Term 2.  

The Autumn Festival (St Michael) requires a lot of practice throughout the term. Easter falls before the end of term, then there is a week and a half before the school holidays. The festival will be performed in the week after Easter, before the holidays.  

PLEASE, PLEASE, let me know if your child won’t be there for this significant festival in our school calendar. In the past, people have just not turned up and it has been disappointing and very inconvenient to all the cast and crew. (It’s like Taylor Swift’s dancers forgetting to turn up, or something like that!) 

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child in relation to school. 

Have a lovely weekend,  


Class 5/6

This week we were entertained by the creation of narratives illustrated by “Stick puppet” puppet shows. In groups, students created characters, settings, and short plots. They then hand made little puppets and acted out their stories in front of the class. Many of them were received with great interest and some with much laughter! 

With a little less enthusiasm, Class 5/6 has been revising times tables, doing (up to four digit) addition and subtraction, learning how to estimate and how to identify and measure angles. Each week, they continue to learn 20 words for their spelling tests on Friday which, despite not being their favourite activity, has been yielding great results. 

Class 5/6 is working well together as a team and enjoying sharing the highs and lows of life and learning together. 

Elizabeth and Lee