Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!
Our Baby and 2-4yo Playgroups have had a lovely start to this spring term, embracing the warmth and growth of the season with new and ongoing connections, nature-based play and colourful spring platters feasted upon in our lovely amphitheatre.
We have welcomed the blooming flowers, longer days, and the arrival of young animals, singing songs that celebrate the earth’s renewal and the vitality of spring. The children eagerly explore our thoughtfully prepared space, delighting in nature’s wonders as friendships blossom and a sense of community deepens among families.
It has been a heartwarming beginning, fostering curiosity, connection, and a love for learning in the natural world.
Karuna and Laura
The children were engaged with the story of Diwali and the making of Diyas (small lamps), which they get to take home once dry. They expanded their taste buds and sampled a few Indian snacks. There were questions about Diwali and excited chatter about Hanuman the Monkey God who could fly. Children asked to wear the ‘Bindi’ or ‘tikka’ dot on the forehead. The story of Diwali was later enacted by a few Boronia children in the playground. It was such a delightful experience to see the celebration being accepted with such joy and enthusiasm.
The Wattle Room children have been busy breadmaking and taking their diyas home, as well as engaging in a lot of water play outside with this warmer weather.
Indoor play has been a flurry of baking, and cooking in the home corner.
Children created stories with the new colourful wooden shapes, increasing their vocabulary and their already fertile imaginations.
We spoke about Diwali in a gentler way as the children are younger, however, they too were very engaged with the thought of sparklers being lit and delicious food and celebrations and dance, we did the stick dance, using our clapping hands in law of sticks.
The room was filled with joy and light.
Rika, on behalf of Preschool educators

Kindergarten/Boronia Room
This week the Kindergarten children have burst forth with the most beautiful and expressive drawings. They did not want their usual half sheets of drawing paper, but rather they requested the full sheet uncut. Then the individual children, inspired by each other, proceeded to fill their large drawing sheet with fabulous Springtime images. I will be putting the children’s drawings on display for this Saturday’s Open Day if you would like to come and view them.
We have very exciting news, a new boy named Arlo Kenyon will start in the Kindergarten next Monday. He is joining the class group and will continue up into Class One next year. We welcome Arlo’s family to our school community.
On Thursday we had the wonderful opportunity to get involved in the Indian celebration of Diwali, (also known as the Festival of Lights.) We thank Rika Kaula (our lovely Preschool educator) for bringing this experience to the children. Rika dressed in her traditional clothes, told the children the story behind the celebrations, and taught the children to make a clay lamp called a ‘Diya.’ The children will bring their little lamp home once it is dried. Thank you so much Rika.
Please feel welcome to drop into the school and bring a friend on Saturday 2nd November. We would love it if you could bring in some baked goodies for our Cake Stall.
Warm wishes,

Class 1/2
Class 1/2 continued with our Main Lesson on Marcel’s Marketplace. They made some amazing beeswax creations – first making Marcel, then his market stall.
Class 1 heard a story about Betty Buttons – an old lady who was forgetting all the stories from her life. So, she collected buttons, each one holding a story and memory. We counted all her buttons by 10s, then 100s then 1000s and worked on place value. She had 2337 buttons in total!
Class 2 have been busy estimating and measuring various lengths using feet and rulers – the size of the classroom, the ball court and even their own height. They have also been practicing writing sentences with sentence starters and a word bank.
As we approach summer, it may be a good idea for your child to have sunscreen in their bags.
Have a great weekend,
Amy, Soumya, and Kath

Class 3/4
Our lesson on mass, volume, and capacity has been coming to an end, but the class’s curiosity has been ignited. Grains of rice were counted and then the children realised that estimation of a section and then multiplication is probably the most efficient way to go – to what end – who knows? We heard the story of Archimedes, and the idea of water displacement was revealed. It is satisfying at the very least. Maths with Minh was lots of fun too.
Please note: the change of date for our play is now Wednesday 20 November 2024 – an email was sent out this week, please check your emails.
The farm project that was sent home about 2 weeks ago is due in Week 5. Please support your child to do this.
Our excursion to Hyde Park Barracks is on Monday 25 November 2024.
Have a lovely weekend,
Julie and Meredith

Class 5/6
This week Class 5 travelled to Glenaeon School to participate in the Greek Olympics with two other Steiner Schools. Students were divided into four teams, inspired by the Greek city-states Athens, Corinth, Sparta, and Thebes, so they got to compete alongside peers from other schools.
The participation level was high, and everyone tried a sport they had never done before. Louis stood out as being an all-round champion athlete, but awards were given to all our students for strength, determination, sportsmanship, and grace. Molly wrestled for the first time and demonstrated incredible grit in a match that lasted over 5 minutes!
Next week we look forward to going on our camps.
Enjoy your weekend,
Elizabeth & Lee