Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!
Kindergarten/Boronia Room
This week our story was about “Sandy the Beach Gnome”, who loved and cared for all the beach friends that lived around him. He helped them when they were in need and shared sea foam pancakes with them in his sandy home. In return his sea friends asked the Sea Queen to send Sandy the gift of shells, to decorate his home and bring it some sparkle like his old gnome cave. Such a warming story about friendship and caring for each other, one of my many favourites.
Our Summertime themes are coming to their end as the early days of Autumn approach. We will move onto our new morning circle next week.
The “school of fish” mobile is almost complete and the making of turtles is underway. Some of the children are learning to finger knit and are in the process of making their very first strand of long finger knitting. Warning! There will be many more to come as the finger knitting bug bites.
Thank you to all the parents and guests who attended Tuesday’s Parent/Teacher Night. It was great to have you come and experience something of your child’s day at school. Hopefully, you feel a little more acquainted with the Kindergarten experience of being a worker in the world.
Have a restful weekend,
Class 1/2
Class 1/2 started the week with a beautiful multi-coloured crayon drawing with Freya. They all did so well following the step-by-step instructions and each picture turned out unique!
Class 1 have started their new Main Lesson, ‘Fairytales’ – it is their introduction to letters. Each day they will recall the story which brought a strong image of a letter. They then feel, form and draw the letter before hearing a new story. Class 2 have continued their Main Lesson ‘Animal Fables’ and are loving all the funny stories, then creating and writing sentences. Most Class 2s will be finishing their pencil case this week and receiving all their new pencils!
Term 1 date reminders
- Week 6 (4-8 March): School photos; exact day TBC.
- Week 7 (15 March): Class 1/2 excursion Teddy Bears’ Picnic to Rhododendron Garden, Blackheath
- Week 11: (9 April) St Michael’s Festival
A very happy birthday to Daphne and Grace, who turned 7 years old this week!
Have a lovely weekend,
Soumya and Amy
Class 3/4
This week has been brought to you by Jess, Kath, and Meredith. I was off school for three days as my mum is unwell. I really know that the class are taken care of when these types of things occur. We are in communication each day and I get to find out all the nitty gritty goings on of the class antics!
The class has been hearing more creation stories, of arks, animals, and floods. They have been playing lots of clever maths games and learning how to draw animals in twos!
We have begun singing songs and getting the St Michael Autumn Festival into our systems.
Here are some pictures from the class.
Have a lovely weekend,
Julie and Meredith
Class 5/6
This week, Class 5/6 have continued to enjoy diving into the wonderful world of stories as they finished their puppet show narratives, learned about stories from around the world and how to make their narratives more colourful and interesting. We certainly have some gifted writers in our class, and everyone has been coming up with unique ideas.
In addition, we began our journey of computer literacy by learning how to touch type. For some this is totally new and for others, they have had ample practice!
On Friday, 23 February we look forward to celebrating Sydney’s birthday.
Elizabeth and Lee