Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

With the weather being so warm this week, the children have been seeking out water play in the sand pit during lunch time. Spare clothes are required again in the school bags, so children can change into dry clothes at the end of play time.

Our time dancing with Jo Clancy has concluded for now. We will continue to work with the “Warradhaa” dance in our class group until Jo returns to work with us again sometime in the future. We will miss her classes and we say thank you to Jo for getting us dancing together as a class group and as a school community and teaching us to sing in Wiradjuri language. It was great fun.

The story this week was “Stone Soup” and the children set about modelling lots of pots with spoons and a stone in beeswax. I have included some photos of their work. We had a wonderful time admiring and sharing our creations with each other.

Next week is Science Week. The children are invited to bring a science book to school to share with the class. We will also be conducting a range of experiments at school as part of this focus on science week.

Warm wishes,

Francine, Zenith, and Alannah

Class 1/2

This week, Class 1/2 have been busy continuing their Main Lesson on the Four Helpers. Class 1 were introduced to General Divide, and how he likes to share things fairly and equally. Class 2 have been practicing their skipping, as Tatiana Times loves to skip and practice her times tables. They have used some great teamwork skills to work out different problems with Farmer Plus and Molly Minus.

We also had our last session with Jo Clancy, who has been teaching us the Warradhaa totem dance. The Class 1/2 children have really impressed us with how quickly they have picked up the words to the song in Wiradjuri!

We have also just begun our second Ceilidh dance in Morning Circle – ask your child to teach you the moves! A reminder to Class 2 parents to please send in their readers regularly, so that we can swap them and send a new book home.

Warm wishes,

Soumya and Amy

Class 3/4

Class 3/4 have been hearing stories based on the history of Garguree (the Gully). Paul Glass did a smoking (cleansing) and we read some of the stories about how the indigenous community were forced out of the area. We walked (many ran!) the old race car track, played a game of frisbee (a treasure found) and then drew a picture of life in the gully prior to the racetrack development. Paul showed us a map of the area and we discussed key features. It was a lovely day. Thanks to Nyla for driving us, and to Paul, Martin, and Meredith.

Thank you to Sayoko for taking the class on Thursday and Friday.

Have a great weekend,

Julie and Meredith 

Class 5/6

This week we are serving our first Flavoursome Fridays to begin our fundraising for camp and are serving vegetarian nachos – yum!

We are getting into the Matildas’ spirit by using a soccer ball image for our form drawing – tessellating pentagons isn’t so easy, and the students came up with some great solutions!

Students are currently studying the meaning of certain words in the Invictus poem by William Ernest Henly, which we are beginning to learn by heart … ‘I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul’….

On Monday, students will receive a biography project to complete at home which will involve studying an important Aboriginal figure in Australian history as part of our upcoming main lesson.

For our Ancient Rome Main Lesson, we have been continuing our studies of biography by working with the story of Marius the Plebian who rose to fame and fell victim to his own flaws twice. The students are now working on their own autobiography (well, at least the story so far!) on their computers, and we are looking at the structure of the SPQR government structure, and also Ancient Roman architecture.

In Maths Practice lessons we are studying long multiplication and continuing to work with Roman numerals. In groups, the students have mapped out a marathon and interval-training course as part of their morning circle, fitness and also in preparation for Class 5’s upcoming Greek Olympics.

Next week we will add Ancient Greek Wrestling to our routine! The Class 5 cajons that they are building with Prem look fabulous with their thoughtful geometric design work. We have included some photos in this newssheet – aren’t they great? Most are nearly ready to complete assembly and then the students can start learning to play them!

Below are some dates for your diary:

Thursday 24th August: Book Week Parade 9am

Wednesday 30th August: Father’s Day Stall

Wednesday 20th September: Spring Festival 11.30am all welcome!

Term 4 important dates to be aware of:

Canberra camp: Monday 6th to Thursday 9th November (Week 5)

Class 6 Farewell will be on Saturday December 9th from 4.30pm

Have a lovely weekend!

Steph and Lee