Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

On Monday 31st October the children went for a walk around the school, looking at each classroom. We came across Isabelle outside her classroom and all the children had a chance to meet her and she had a chance to meet and greet each child individually. We also stopped at the Class 1/2 room and all the children were able to wave and say hello. 

There will be more opportunities for the children to meet with next year’s teachers, as well as visit the classroom for shared activities. 

Tuesday 8th November at 6.30pm, is the Parent night to meet with both Isabelle and Amy, the Class 1/2 teachers for next year. Come to the 1/2 Classroom in the Primary school. Take some time to think about the questions you might like to ask. Julie and myself will also be there on the night. 

Warmest regards, 

Francine and Maya 

Class 1/2

Class 1/2 have had a busy and reflective week as we completed our maths Main Lesson and began our new main lesson “Living Kingdoms”. This main lesson will provide the backbone for our class play which we are excited to start rehearsing.  

We have enjoyed using clay to create Mischievous Magical Monkeys that come to life and create fun and mischief in the marketplace. Working with clay supports children by integrating their thoughts and feelings whilst building will and resilience.  

Our weekly bush walk took us down to the Pine Forest where we collaborated in rebuilding the bush cubby that blew down in the recent strong winds. It was an honour to observe the care taken by all children in working together and communicating to create something beautiful.  

We look forward to our Class 2 sleepover and Class 1 dinner next week. The children are very excited, as are the staff.  

The warmer weather is on the way and we ask that children bring a full drink bottle to school every day. Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead 🌻 

Julie, Meredith and Amy 

Class 3/4

Welcome to Week 4! The term is just flying by. 

Monday was spent in and around the school garden. We harvested turnips and fennel and picked salad, as well as beautiful edible flowers and herbs. Back in class the children started washing the vegetables. The turnips were cut into chip-shaped pieces for frying later.  

Groups of children prepared the pickle mix by chopping the fennel and onions into small strips and then mixing them with mustard seeds, fennel seeds and chilli flakes in a big bowl. Everyone also made a ‘Pickled fennel’ label to stick on to their glass jar.  

Earlier in the day we prepared bread dough. The children kneaded herbs from the garden into the dough before shaping their bread. A group of children prepared the salad and around lunchtime we were finally ready to sit down and enjoy our salad with turnip chips and freshly baked bread. What a treat! 

Our Northern Legends main lesson continued with more stories of Thorkill and his men. The class kept working on their recounts and we also practiced correct punctuation, use of speech marks and capitalisation. 

In maths we revised addition of three- and more digit numbers using carrying and I introduced subtraction of two- and three-digit numbers with trading which proved to be very tricky. This is something we will continue to work on. 

In PE Rebecca did a fun basketball challenge which the class embraced and did really well in. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Isabelle and Holly 

Class 5/6

Yesterday Class 5/6 had the good fortune to participate in a law-creating role-play during our tour of the NSW State Parliament.  

We were able to sit in the Legislative Assembly and Council Chambers as several students read from scripts, carried the Mace, or sat in the position of roles such as Speaker, Serjeant-at-Arms and Leader of the Opposition, to read from scripts in the proposal and suggested amendments to the law, ‘That children in NSW would benefit from extended schooling hours’.  

The day was also an excellent opportunity to develop their skills in using public transport and also walking in built-up city areas. Thank you, Martin, for accompanying us on our big day out! 

The class is now fine-tuning the Plays they are excited to be performing for you next Thursday evening. We are rehearsing in our ‘Romanesque’ space under the classroom. If you haven’t already, could you please send in a white single bed flat sheet for your child’s ‘toga’. They will need a white t-shirt to wear underneath (and can wear long pants or shorts of their choosing). Many thanks! 

Our Plays will be performed on Thursday 10th November at 6pm under the Class 5/6 building (please note the time change that was previously 7pm). 

Important dates for your diary: 

  • 10th November (Thursday evening at 6pm): Class 5/6 Play 
  • 14-16th November: Class 5/6 Camp to Milson Island 
  • 24th November (Friday): Class 5/6 Fun Day 
  • 2nd December (Friday): Class 6 Excursion to Raging Waters 
  • 10th December (Saturday): 5pm Class 6 Farewell (all Class 5 parents/ carers and students needed to help on the day and through the evening please!
  • 12th December (Monday) whole-school bushwalk/ picnic 
  • 14th December (Wednesday) Summer Assembly (and final day of term). 

Have a great weekend! 

Steph and Lee