Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

This week we moved from Summertime, beach, and ocean themes into early Autumn, with the introduction of our new morning circle called “The Pancake Mill”. This circle tells the tale of an old couple who grow a tree through their house. When the old man climbs the tree, he discovers a golden mill and a rooster with a golden comb. The magic and mysteries continue with the making of unlimited “pancakes and pies” and the theft of the golden mill. Needless to say, the children are enchanted with this unusual tale of adventure and the fun verses and songs that unfold during this circle.

Our craft project will lag a little behind this seasonal change as we continue to master the skill of finger knitting and sew a small turtle for cuddles during rest time.

I am so very proud of how the children are working together, bonding and forming themselves into a friendly and supportive class group. Well done to all the Kindergarten and Sessional children who are being so brave and strong, saying farewell to their beloved parents and giving their very best to each day at school.

Warm regards,


Class 1/2

Warimi Class 1 / 2 Families.

Last week I had the honour of attending a Dharug dhalang (language) program, with the intention of bringing more language to our classroom and school. This week we have started using Dharug dhalang in our class. The children have been learning simple words and gestures and we hope that they will be bringing some of these words home to teach to you over the coming weeks.

Here’s a couple of phrases for you to get started:

  • budyari – good
  • biyal – no
  • yiya – yes
  • warimi – hello
  • yanu – goodbye

Please keep an eye out for a permission note coming home in Week 6 for the Teddy Bear’s Picnic excursion in Week 8 and return to school as soon as possible.


Amy and Soumya

Class 3/4

The class have begun their second Main Lesson for the term. It is a linear measurement unit, which we’ve called “Measure the World.” We are looking at how, historically, people have used the measures which are built into our bodies, to measure aspects of our world. Such as the length from the tip of our middle finger to our elbow (cubit), and the width of our hand (handspan).

This will be a practical lesson, with the development of these less-standardised measurements compared to and experimented with the consistent systems that came later.

Important dates:

  • NAPLAN for Class 3 and Class 5 (13-25 March), with practice sessions prior to these dates
  • Parent/Teacher interviews (18-29 March) Karen will send available booking slots to you shortly. It is a good opportunity to discuss how your child is developing within the context of school
  • Excursion to Penrith Printing Museum on Tuesday 26 March – permission note will come home soon
  • St Michael Autumn Festival: Tuesday 9 April 5:15 pm.

 Warm regards,

Julie and Meredith

Class 5/6

Class 5/6 had a great week – almost everyone got 100% on their twelve times tables test and we are making huge improvements in our weekly spelling challenge. We were sad to finish our “Lie down and listen” time with Morris Gleitzman reading his book “Boy Overboard.” The class has been engrossed in the captivating story of Jamal, a soccer-loving 11-year-old from Afghanistan.

 He and his family had to flee their country and we travelled alongside them as they made their treacherous journey to Australia. We were all sad to conclude the story, but it did prompt interesting class discussion. Students wrote a book review in which they expressed their positive and negative feelings about the story. We are now diving into the sequel, Girl Underground, as we listen to, draw about, and discuss the novel together. Students are improving their narrative skills as they compose their own unique narratives, which have included emotive descriptions and dialogue.

After buying some new books and getting 21 new novels from the library, Class 5/6 has been discovering new books to read and genres to discover. Half the class has been enjoying our “DEAR” (Drop Everything and Read) time, while the other half have been learning to hone their skills in touch typing. Being a very musical cohort, the class has been joining the year 3/4s in playing the recorder and singing in preparation for the festival we look forward to having in Autumn.

Elizabeth and Lee