Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!
Kindergarten/Boronia Room
A big thank you to all the families who helped out with the Fair last Saturday. It was a really beautiful day, and our school was abuzz with activity and joy. A special thank you to Stephanie Smith and her helpers, for being determined to bring home baked scones to the Kindergarten kitchen for sale on the day. Everyone would have to agree that the tea and scones brought a welcoming and homey touch to the space.
This week I have had so much fun bringing alive the story of the “Flippy Floppy Pancake” to the children. I have been acting out the parts and skipping around the group, much to the children’s surprise and delight. This story is definitely a favourite.
The children’s drink bottle holders are making good progress and soon a few children will be ready to have the base sewn on, so their project will start to take on the recognisable shape of a bottle holder.
Have a restful weekend.
Class 1/2
Last week, we had a beautiful and impromptu tidy up of the garden in front of our classroom with Paul. He came down to weed and tidy for the Harvest Fair and boom, before we knew it, most of our class were there helping him weed, dig, water, cut, chop, and move. Lots of hard work using his tools and maneuvering the wheelbarrow up and down the hill. It tied in quite nicely with our Main Lesson “Local Surroundings” – as one of our children pointed out!
This week is Reconciliation Week. We have been talking about what that means, and each day have been reading a Dreaming Story from our local area. We have also been discussing how the Aboriginal people have been care-taking for the land for thousands of years, and it is our responsibility to continue looking after it, using their insight and knowledge.
We have also been doing a second Main Lesson on Maths – the children have had fun playing bingo and trying to beat Soumya as a class team! We continue to practice lots of singing and rhythm every day, as well as our recorder lesson each week.
Thank you to all our wonderful parent helpers at the Harvest Fair – it was a great turnout and absolutely not possible without your input!
Warm wishes,
Soumya and Jess
Class 3/4
Our Harvest Fair was a wonderful occasion! Thank you to all the families who came to celebrate our beautiful school. My highlight was watching children proudly share their Main Lesson Books or crochet projects with their loved ones. Thanks to Mare for coordinating our musical presentation, we were so proud of our class presenting their musical skills to our community.
Volleyball has been a great opportunity to learn new ball skills and work together as a team. The coaches are doing a wonderful job putting together fun lessons and games that can be replicated at home.
Our Main Lesson exploring Living Things has come to an end this week. We were so lucky to manage our excursion to the Zoo. Class 3/4 had some special visitors this week.
Meredith’s daughter, Harper, came with Momo the Pink Tongue Gecko and Nia the Children’s Python. The children loved hearing about their diets, habitat, and special skills.
We have begun work on our Winter Solstice lanterns, listening to the children singing certainly warms our hearts on cool Winter mornings.
Enjoy the weekend!
Kath and Meredith
Class 5/6
Hi, my name is Belma. I am in Year Five. This week we have been learning about THE ILIAD and THE ODYSSEY by Homer. The class has really had fun doing this because we have to write it in our own words. We are also making our lanterns, Kathryn has been helping us paint them. This will be our last week doing ANCIENT GREECE, we have really enjoyed this topic.
Last Saturday we had the Harvest Fair. We all ran stalls and did performances with our recorders. It was really fun.
As a teacher, I was delighted to see the tenacity of my students in overcoming the many obstacles they faced in planning and implementing two food stalls at the Harvest Fair. The Chocolate and Co team sold a vast array of home baked goodies (thanks to parents too!) from Malteser cakes to brownies and generously iced delicious chocolate laden muffins. The sold out completely, as did the Dumplings store. Well done team!
Elizabeth & Alannah