Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

This week the children have been busy making their own gifts for Fathers and Grandfathers and they are proud of what they have achieved. The mice craft project has also been completed by all the students and a photo of the finished mice is below for all to see and admire. 

Our third term together is coming to an end and the children are now preparing for the Spring Festival. The note for the Kindergarten Spring Festival on Wednesday 20 September has been sent home. Our Spring celebrations will extend beyond the Kindergarten, with the option to join in the Primary celebrations, family picnic and Spring Games on the mini oval. Weather permitting, it will be a wonderful whole school and community celebration of the arrival of Spring. 

Please send spare clothes in the children’s school bags, for a change of clothes after water play in the sand pit. As the weather is growing warmer, it is only natural for the children to seek out water play during outside playtime. 

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy your family time. 

Francine, Zenith, and Alannah 

Class 1/2

Another great week in Class 1/2 with our Main Lesson ‘Stories of the Dreaming’. Class 1 children have been hearing stories from many different Aboriginal language groups and locating these groups on a map of Australia. We have then been working towards writing a sentence independently, talking about the features of a sentence. Class 2 have been composing poems together, talking about the features of poetry. 

We were lucky this week to have Mai-Lynn, a Wiradjuri Elder, come and talk to the class about the importance of story in her Aboriginal culture. She showed us some of her own clap sticks that she made, and explained why they are important in storytelling. Thank you for sharing your deep and important knowledge with us, Mai-Lynn! She also shared with us a beautiful Darug song! 

The class learned how to write their name in Japanese, with Aya, which they wrote on a bookmark. How lucky we are to be learning about so many different cultures! 

We emailed the news roster earlier this week. Please help your child with this news topic, and check when it is their turn, so they feel prepared to speak in front of the class.  


Friday, 8 September – excursion to The Gully/Garguree in Katoomba 

Wednesday, 20 September – Spring Festival at school 

Warm wishes, 

Soumya and Amy 

Class 3/4

The class have been designing and decorating their beautiful shields and swords. They wrote beautiful short stories and published them into sweet books for Book Week. 

Our ‘Whole Lot of Fractions’ Main Lesson will be merging into a ‘Maypole, Music and Mischief’ Main Lesson. There are fractions in music, so it is all very exciting! We have been adding fractions with common denominators and untangling improper fractions, so that they’re not top-heavy. 

Spring has sprung and the feeling in the air is lively, bright, and happy. Please add a bit of extra food in your child’s lunchbox if they tell you they have been hungry during the day. This time of year sometimes makes us more hungry. 

 Have a lovely weekend, 

 Julie and Meredith 

Class 5/6

Class 5/6 have been busily preparing for their first debate this week, and they are delighted to be given a ‘license to argue’! We are learning that rather than focusing on the topic or your team’s stance on it, debating is a craft in itself and there is a lot of rich literacy learning within this fun activity. On Friday, Class 5’s topic is ‘This house would ban junk food for children’, while Class 6 will debate ‘This house believes that children should only get pocket money if they do their chores’. Those students without a speaking role this time around will be productive ‘whips,’ and rotate roles for the fresh debates next week.  

In our Main Lesson we are looking at New South Wales society in the early days of European settlement, with a current focus on the bushrangers, and the perspectives of these, the law, and the settlers. This will be contrasted early next week to aspects of Aboriginal society and their perspectives at this time in history. During our Maths practice lessons we have been reviewing grids, position and mapping as well as regularly reviewing learned concepts. 

We are very much looking forward to learning Taiko Drumming with Sayoko during the next two Thursday afternoons! 

Below are some dates for your diary: 

Wednesday 20 September: Spring Festival  

Term 4 important dates to be aware of: 

Canberra camp: Monday 6 to Thursday 9 November (Week 5) 

Class 6 Farewell will be on Saturday December 9 from 4.30pm 

Have a lovely weekend! 

Steph and Lee