Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

Spring has definitely arrived in our beautiful school garden and the children have revelled in the joy of gardening with Annie. Working together to carry equipment, dig the soil and plant flowers has been a pleasure for us all. Not to mention the usual climbing, jumping, chasing, and digging. Thank you, families, for packing spare clothes which are much appreciated after our sandpit adventures.

The children have been enjoying the story of the Frog Prince this week. The lovely message from this story reminds us to accept and be kind to all, regardless of their appearance and origins.

Spring drawings have flowed this week as flowers, earth, butterflies, and baby animals burst onto the page. Kindly keep in mind our Kindergarten Spring Festival to be held at 10 am on Wednesday, 25th September.



Class 1/2

We have been so grateful for the Spring warmth and sunshine which has definitely landed this week! We have been rehearsing our Scottish Ceilidh dance and singing “Marie’s Wedding” in preparation for our Spring Festival on the last day of term.

In time for Spring, Class 2 started their new Main Lesson on Celtic Stories and learned how to play ‘Marie’s Wedding’ on the recorder.

Class 1 has been focusing on learning to navigate conflict and repair relationships. We have been doing this through healing stories and weekly visits from Renee, who is bringing Restorative Practice through circle time and story into the classroom.

Have a lovely weekend!

Soumya, Amy, and Isabelle 

Class 3/4

We have all recovered from our Yurt Farm adventures and what I definitely observe is a closer Class 3/4 community. Camps are lots of work, but they always seem to bring the group together through their shared experiences outside of the usual school environment.

Thank you to everyone who sent in delicious, tasty treats, which filled in the hungry tummy gaps between our (also very delicious) breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.

Next week Paul Glass will be working with our class in small rotating groups to re-render our mud brick cubby. This is a job we began last year but haven’t managed to find the time to finish it. This Farming Main Lesson, plus the fact that Spring has now arrived, is the right time to continue to work on it.

Please send in some old clothes that your child can put on when they are rendering and if they have any gardening gloves that fit them, that would be great too.

Maypole and music practices are going well. If your child is not attending the Spring Festival on the last day of term. PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP! The Maypole dance requires that I set where everyone is, in order to not confuse our Maypole apprentices, so please let me know. The children will still be able to learn and practice it, but it just means I can organise it more easily.

Currently, we are discussing, writing, and drawing about ‘The Art of Compost.’ Your children are very knowledgeable about such fundamental and important parts of our daily existence.

Have a great weekend,

Julie and Meredith

Class 5/6

Class 5/6 has been focussed on Physics this week as they explore forces and energy. We experimented with all kinds of non-contact forces like magnetism, and saw how light energy transforms into heat energy and observed different colour absorption rates.

Peer Support provided a steep learning curve and Class 5/6 rose to the challenge. They demonstrated leadership and care as they nurtured students from the younger years.
