Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!
Kindergarten/Boronia Room
This week we started to prepare for our end-of-year Summer Festival. The children will present their Circle Work on the last day of term Wednesday 14th December.
We ask children to come to school at the later time of 10am. All parents, siblings and extended family members are most welcome to attend. After the children’s presentation there will be a shared morning tea, so please bring a plate of something yummy to share. The Kindergarten celebrations will conclude by 11.30am. Children may go home or move up to the Primary School in the company of their parents to join in the Primary end-of-year Assembly.
We thank Paul Glass, Kamilaroi Man, for coming and sharing his cultural knowledge and experience with the Kindergarten children on the mini-oval today during Bush Kindy. We are so grateful to Paul for working with the children, Maya, and myself.
Enjoy the sunshine, happy weekend.
Francine and Maya
Class 1/2
We have been packing in so many activities every day! The class rehearsed their play, listened to stories, wrote about the stories, drew pictures, practiced their spelling, created their own sentences based on their spelling lists, swapped home readers, revised some maths concepts, began some Xmas craft, had lots of fun at the Class 6 Fun Day, performed the class play to the school community and their families and then went to an Athletics Carnival!
And they still had energy to play, play, play!
Next week the newly-painted Ball Court will be open to play on, which is very exciting!
The children rehearsed and performed the class play with commitment and joy. As a teacher, I get so much satisfaction seeing the children overcoming any obstacles and witnessing their confidence grow through the process. Thank you to Amy and Meredith for the costumes and music, and for guiding and supporting every child in this process.
Have a lovely weekend,
Julie, Meredith, and Amy
Class 3/4
This week was again dedicated to practicing for our class play next Thursday. Most children are now able to say their lines off by heart, and we were able to move into acting, using gestures, and making and utilising props.
A good motivator was watching Class 1/2 perform their play on Wednesday. That really brought it home that it will be us next and we have only got about a week to go. Exciting!
In maths we worked on multiplication facts (Class 3) and extended multiplication (Class 4). For some it was a daunting task but we will revisit and revisit until everyone feels that they can master it.
While Class 3 was at music on Tuesday, Class 4 reflected on their upcoming move into Class 5/6. It was good to let their thoughts roam and for them to examine their feelings. Many children are excited to move up but were also nervous about the unknown. They are ready for it and over the coming weeks Class 4 children will be visiting their new classroom and their new/old classmates. This will help answer questions and settle their nerves.
Two very exciting days were had this week: Thursday Funday and the Athletics Carnival with Kindlehill on Friday. Lindsey, who organised the Athletics Carnival, visited our school on Wednesday to answer questions and practice the different disciplines with the children.
Thursday Funday was a great success! Everyone was so excited in the days leading up to it and recess on Thursday could not come soon enough. Class 3/4 enjoyed all the activities that Class 5/6 offered. Well done Steph and Class 5/6 for running the Funday and organising everything so well!
Another very exciting thing happened this week: our Ball Court was painted. Some children spent all of recess and lunch watching it being painted instead of running around and playing, and, in the words of one of my students, “I’d rather watch the paint dry!”.
Lines in different colours were painted on Wednesday and Thursday and, again, nearly the whole class sat and watched with fascination! We discovered that ballcourt painting must be the only job where you work outdoors and wear socks and no shoes.
Have a great weekend,
Isabelle and Holly
Class 5/6
Yesterday, the Class 5/6 students did an absolutely amazing job of planning and running the Fun Day fundraiser for the Class 6 Farewell. There was giant bowling, sponge-throwing, a beauty salon, paper plane-making, mini-games and 99% fruit juice ice blocks (great weather for it!).
They had a lot of positive feedback from students and staff, and the best comment of all was from a young student “I had so much fun at Fun Day!” Thank you everybody for supporting them, and congratulations all! Next week we will be applying our new practical finance skills toward a deeper understanding in our Business Maths Main Lesson, where we will also be revising decimals and percentages.
Today the class is at the Athletics Carnival at Wentworth Falls – a big week! In preparation, on Wednesday the students had a session with Lindsey refining their skills in discus, shot put, javelin, long jump and high jump.
During the week we also held our final debates of the year, and there has been so much improvement in both class groupings. Class 6 debated about whether digital technology makes children’s lives better, and Class 5 debated about whether animals should be in zoos. I look forward to hearing about the debating adventures of Class 6 next year after such a solid background!
On Monday, Class 6 will be working with Sayoko to create some paper craft for their Japanese-themed Class 6 Farewell, as well as hear and write their own stories around the themes of moving on to the next chapter, from Japanese culture.
Important dates for your diary:
9th December (Friday): Class 6 Excursion to Raging Waters
10th December (Saturday): 5pm Class 6 Farewell (all Class 5 parents/carers and students are needed to help on the day and through the evening please!)
12th December (Monday) whole-school bushwalk/ picnic
14th December (Wednesday) 11:45am Summer Assembly (and final day of term)
Have a great weekend!
Steph and Lee