Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

This week the Kindergarten have been inviting the preschool children from the Wattle Room down into the Boronia Room to see a puppet play called “Munch the Caterpillar” as part of an Orientation program for children coming into our room next year.

There will be an Orientation morning tea this Saturday for children coming into Kindergarten for 2024. A few of these children will join us for the afternoon program on Wednesday next week as part of their Orientation program to our school.

The Kindergarten children have started the work they will present to their family and friends for the last day of this school year Wednesday 13 December at 10am.

Please enjoy the beautiful butterflies the children shaped in beeswax this week. As you can see their skill and artistic abilities have become more refined and detailed. Exquisite and delicate work.

Rest up and relax over the weekend, we are drawing closer to our end.

Francine, Zenith, and Alannah

Class 1/2

This week we have been busy preparing for our play – Birdsong Brouhaha – from rehearsing in front of a pretend audience to busily making and creating our costumes. Thank you to all the parents who came in for crafternoon to help make costumes. We are really looking forward to performing the play and all the children have been trying so hard to join in, use expression and actions and listen when it is not their turn.

As the Class 3/4’s have been on camp the latter half of the week, our class have enjoyed an emptier space, as well as the support of Meredith in class. The Year 2s have gone into the class 3/4 room to “poke their noses in” and Meredith has been answering questions, showing them where things are kept etc.

We have noticed the children are getting more tired, which is normal at this time of term. It is so important to stick to their normal rhythms inside and outside of school – even as holidays approach. Early bedtimes and no screens during the week are always helpful!

Have a lovely weekend,

Amy & Soumya

Class 3/4

We had a terrific time on our Class camp to Patonga. It was so beautiful in Kuring-Gai country. Patonga means ‘oyster’ and there were certainly lots of oysters! Surf school was fun, the ocean was refreshing and the whole experience was well worth the effort!

Thank you to Gisella, Maya, Lindsey, and Martin … who shopped, drove, prepared food, cooked food and looked after everyone.

Thank you to all the families for their delicious, tasty treats and for helping their children prepare for the camp.

Have a great weekend,


Class 5/6

After weeks of planning, creating posters and refining activity directions, on Monday Class 5/6 provided a fantastic Fun Day Monday experience for the younger classes! Students moved between the bowling alley and paper planes, duck-fishing, darts and the prize wheel, pin the tail on the dinosaur, cups bowling, the ice-block stall, sponge-throwing, the hair and nails salon and the always delightfully gross Touch and Smell guessing room (toothpaste with onion flakes, anyone?) 😊

As part of their Business Maths Main Lesson, students found that, after deducting the expenses and the float balance, they made a tidy profit in their fundraising efforts toward the Class 6 Farewell. It was also a wonderful extension of their Peer Support leadership as they helped the younger students understand what they could ‘buy’ with their tickets, and to have an enjoyable experience by looking after them at every turn. Congratulations, we are so proud of you!

We can now give our full attention to producing the Class Play, and the students are making great progress in learning their lines. Groups of students have been given a scene to caretake, where they perform the role of director for that scene’s stage movements, props, sound effects and more. Although this is the tired end of term, it will help enormously please if every student attends every day (unless unwell) so that they and their classmates can be confident in their on-stage work – many thanks!

Thank you to Class 5 families and Stephanie Smith for your work behind the scenes in preparation for the Class 6 Farewell – we appreciate you! Class 6 should now be finalising their individual student presentations, please let me know if any assistance is required ASAP.

Below are some dates for your diary:

  • Friday 1 December: Class 6 to Raging Waters Sydney.
  • Tuesday 5 December: Class 5/6 Play 6pm (students arrive 5.45pm).
  • Friday 8 December: 3pm set-up by Class 5 families for the Farewell (organised by Stephanie Smith).
  • Saturday 9 December: from 5pm (earlier for Class 5 students and parents/ carers please).

Have a great weekend!

Steph and Lee