Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!
Kindergarten/Boronia Room
The Kindergarten children are working on their Autumn Festival morning circle, which they will share with their families and friends on Wednesday 10th April, the last day of term. Everyone is welcome to join in our celebrations on this day.
We have been welcoming in Autumn harvest activities into our classroom. This week the children heard the story of the “Little Red Hen”, who grew the wheat, then took it to the miller to grind the wheat into flour, so she could make her own ‘harvest’ loaf of bread and share it with her chickens. This age-old tale not only connects the children to the season but also highlights the process of bring a beautiful, nourishing hot loaf of bread into our lives.
Next week the children will be involved in a range of activities in preparation for Easter.
Warm wishes for a relaxing weekend.
Class 1/2
Our Teddy Bears’ Picnic was a lot of fun, despite being really quite wet up in Blackheath! It didn’t stop most children climbing trees, playing in the creek and amongst the bushes. The children are so resilient with the weather!
Both Class 1 and 2 have continued with Maths Main Lessons. We also had an Autumn Equinox story on Wednesday, told by Julie to the whole school. It is about St Michael and the Dragon, so was also an introduction to our St Michael’s Play.
Reminder – The Autumn Festival is on 9th April at 5:30pm.
Have a nice weekend,
Soumya and Amy
Class 3/4
The excursion to Penrith Museum of Printing is on Tuesday 26th. Please sign blue note and hand in to office or give permission through the parent portal.
Our new Main Lesson is lots of fun, ask your child about it.
We are rehearsing for the Autumn festival play (on Tuesday, 9 April).
Have a great weekend,
Julie and Meredith
Class 5/6
My name is Arya and I’m in Year 6.
This week Year 5/6 have just started our new main lesson on Botany. We have been looking at different types of leaves, what plants need to survive, and we started an experiment with shallots.
We have been going on bushwalks and observing the wildlife around us with our visitors from Hong Kong.
We have also been enjoying learning about the countries and cities of the world.