Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!
Kindergarten/Boronia Room
As part of Indigenous Literacy Week, we told the story of “The First Sunrise”, immersing the children in the image of the Sun Woman who paints the sky at sunrise and sunset in red, orange, pink and purple. A beautiful story to help connect the children to the landscape in which they live and support the glorious colours of Spring.
We currently have Zoe Goldsmith, a student teacher from the Rudolf Steiner College in class with us. Zoe is completing a 2-week Practicum in the Kindergarten and will be conducting some practical sessions with the children during this time, under my supervision and guidance.
A reminder to please pack spare clothes in the school bags for your children to engage in water play at outside lunch play.
Enjoy the colours and perfumes of Spring this weekend.
Francine, Zenith, and Alannah
Class 1/2
“Spring to life” said the bees, and the children of Class 1/2 have well and truly sprung to life this week.
This week we created sundials using our shadows and chalk and discussed the Earth’s movements around the sun. The children all had interesting insights into how this movement helps us tell the time.
During Main Lesson Class 1 have been practicing their sentence writing and drawing beautiful representations of the Dreaming Stories.
Class 2 have been working on poetry as a way of responding to literature and stories. Some of them shared our class poems at assembly. It was wonderful to see their 8-year-old confidence coming in as they stood and spoke beautifully in front of their peers.
We have had a super exciting finish to Week 8 with our excursion to the Gully! It is also our last week of Circus, and we would like to thank Stuart for all the circus fun we have had this term.
This week’s Restorative Practice lesson focused on the three key questions we can ask when things go wrong:
- What happened?
- Who has been hurt?
- How can we fix this?
We are giving the children opportunities to practice using these questions during class games or play time. We have also focused on actions to help make things right.
A friendly reminder that with this warmer weather all children must have a drink bottle and hat at school. If your child’s drink bottle or hat is missing, please check outside the classroom or lost property. We also have many nameless drink bottles in our classroom near the front door to be claimed.
Many thanks,
Amy and Soumya
Class 3/4
We are moving from our Fractions Main Lesson into Music and Movement Main Lesson: these two work well together. We are singing songs and scales each day and playing tunes with various instruments. The Class 3 child wants to know how music works. Class 4 is the ‘year of rounds’. Moving from the whole to the parts in many aspects of their development. The round requires us to ‘hold our own part,’ whilst others are singing theirs. The walk of life played out through music, maypole, and merriment!
We have also been Taiko Drumming with Sayoko, which is fantastic.
Please put the Spring Festival into your calendar and please, please let me know if your child will not be attending. I need to know this because we are doing the Maypole Dance, and it requires partners in order for it to work.
Have a great weekend,
Julie and Meredith
Class 5/6
This week the Class 6 teams debated that ‘This house would abolish school dress codes’, and Class 5 debated whether ‘it would be good to be famous’. Being our second debate this term, there has been a lot of improvement and some excellent arguments, facts and rebuttals made! We will have our final debate next week.
In our Main Lesson, the students have written letters in character from the perspective of a bushranger, victim of theft or a police officer working on bushranging crimes. As part of Indigenous Literacy Day, we began reading the e-book version of Bruce Pascoe’s Young Dark Emu and so far, have read the chapters on ‘The Land Grab,’ Agriculture and Aquaculture. This is a helpful text which includes primary resources and provides a picture of pre-colonisation New South Wales to contrast to modern-day attitudes and environmental issues.
In our Maths Practice Lessons, we have been reviewing various concepts through the Number of the Day challenge, reviewing 3D objects, and drawing a spiraling pentagon as form drawing.
The class are very much enjoying their fortnight of double Japanese experiences which includes a Wednesday lesson with Aya, then a Thursday Taiko Drum workshop with Sayoko! The first Class 5 cajon has been completed with Prem’s help and sounds fantastic!
Below are some dates for your diary:
Wednesday 20th September: Spring Festival
Term 4 important dates to be aware of:
Canberra camp: Monday 6th to Thursday 9th November (Week 5)
Class 6 Farewell will be on Saturday December 9th from 4.30pm
Have a lovely weekend!
Steph and Lee