Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!
“We welcome Lady Spring and the warmer days she brings us. The blossoms in the playground are in full bloom and we can feel a lightness in the air as we leave King Winter behind for another year.”
Although we’ve had some some windy days recently and, as a result, we’ve had to keep our children inside, we can now see how much they are rejoicing in playing outside in this warmer weather.
The UV is rising, so we ask kindly, that families please apply sunscreen to their child/children upon signing in, in the morning. Sunscreen is not compulsory and it’s at our family’s discretion. We understand that some children have skin sensitivities and respect and support each family’s choice for their child. If you choose to not have sunscreen applied by our educators please send an email to informing us of this change. Long sleeves, and a hat that shades your child’s face and neck, will protect them from the sun.
Our Spring Festival is coming up on Thursday 3rd of October from 2pm-4pm. We are looking forward to welcoming our BMSS preschool families to this beautiful afternoon full of song, craft, afternoon tea and music, and to reconnect with our wonderful families that have supported us so dearly this year.
Have a wonderfully warm weekend,
The Preschool Team 🌸

Kindergarten/Boronia Room
This week the children planted a young oak tree in the Kindergarten playground, under the guidance of Annie the gardener. This young tree has been given extra protection, to help it grow and withstand the impact of running, active children. Our hope is that one day the children may return to the garden to find a beautiful shady tree. Blessings on that young tree and fingers crossed.
The children have been sewing a colourful rainbow Spring bird for their new craft project. They are working with great enthusiasm to complete their bird in time for our Spring Festival.
Work is going well, as we prepare for our Spring Festival presentation. The children will be sharing their morning verses and songs, along with their copper rod exercises on Wednesday 25th September. The children come to school with their parents at the later time of 10am, so that the room can be transformed into a living picture of Spring.
Please bring a plate of wholesome morning tea to share with everyone as part of our Spring celebrations on that day.
Enjoy a lovely Spring weekend.

Class 1/2
We thoroughly enjoyed our excursion to Scenic World this week! Uncle David King welcomed us to Gundungurra Country, then guided us around for a 2-hour walk through the valley. He shared Dreaming and Lore stories, information about the local flora and fauna, and its significance to his Aboriginal culture. He shared the local history of the area, from his family and ancestors who were from here to its more recent mining history. Of course, the rides were a highlight for many, especially going backwards up the railway!
A reminder to please send in foliage on the Spring Festival Day, 25th September.
Now that the warmer weather is here, please send in a full change of clothes each day for your child. This allows them to get involved in water play if they’d like to.
Enjoy the weekend!
Soumya, Amy, and Isabelle

Class 3/4
Our farming Main Lesson has taken us on a bit of a migration story to the agricultural region along the Murrumbidgee River and up to Queensland to banana and sugarcane plantations. We’ve crossed the Nullabor Plain with our European travellers who meet local First Nations people, and they are greeted with a yarn and a meal (hunted and collected from the country that they are on). We are seeing the different ways people work with the land, writing our delicious recipes for compost and understanding how this country is utilised both in positive and less constructive ways.
We’ve been rendering the mud brick cubby under the caring guidance of Paul, weeding, and cleaning up around our flow forms so that the water runs clear and fresh, and carving soap into three-dimensional creatures.
We’ve had fun maths lessons with Minh, where maths meets us, and we meet maths in a happy and curious midpoint.
We shared a beautiful morning bush walk to Hazel Falls with Class 3 from Central Coast Steiner School, preceded by a smoking ceremony on the mini oval and a story from Paul.
The weather is lovely, and everyone is busy!
Have a lovely weekend,
Julie and Meredith

Class 5/6
Hi, my name is Jesse, and I am writing the Class 5/6 newsletter this week. We just started our new Main Lesson which is all about Australia.
Class 5/6 went to Murphy’s Glen last Thursday which is where the biggest tree in NSW is still standing! There was also a secret cave, and we had to walk 8km which included abseiling down a steep hill. Thank you to Paul Glass for a great day.
We are also learning to play basketball.
Class 5/6 student