Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

The Kindy children have been busy with Easter activities this week. They have enjoyed a beautiful Easter story about the ‘hare’, who brought the message to the world that life would come anew. The Easter hare remains the messenger of joy and love to this day, who brings us an Easter Egg on Easter Sunday.

On Tuesday we made hot cross buns, and the smell of spices filled the room as the buns cooked. It was a real joy to share the making of Easter buns with the children.

On Thursday we dyed and decorated boiled eggs and made soft cosy nests to snuggle the eggs into, so they could make their way home for Easter.

Enjoy your family time and best wishes for a happy, joyful time together.



Class 1/2

This week the class has been busy preparing for the St Michael’s play. Class 1 are practicing the gnome songs and Class 2 have been rehearsing as gliding meteors.

We continue with our Maths Main Lessons and have spent lots of time playing in the beautiful autumn sunshine.

We would like to wish all our families a restful and rejuvenating weekend break, filled with lots of love and sunshine.

Amy and Soumya

Class 3/4

Our excursion to The Penrith Museum of Printing was so fun and interesting. The people that run it are printing enthusiasts and their keen interest was infectious. The class was so enthralled by the machines. They were grand and simple at the same time.

The children were able to be involved by helping to typeset their own name and roll ink into the letters.

Have a safe and relaxing Easter.

See you next week.
Best wishes,
Julie and Meredith

Class 5/6

My name is Arya and I’m in Year 6.

This week we have been getting right into our main lesson on Botany. We have been learning about fungi, where it grows, and we have found that the root-like mycelium of fungi connect with the roots of trees forming an underground network of communication referred to as the ‘wood wide web.’

Everybody’s title page looks amazing! They have been stuck onto our Botany books and look even better.

We have all been enjoying our reverting podcast called ‘Girl Underground’ which is getting more and more exciting.

We have some great library books that Elizabeth has kindly borrowed for us. Lots of people have found great books out of the 20+ books and have been excited to read them in our DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time.

Have a great Easter break.