Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

We’re looking forward to celebrating the Kindergarten Spring Festival on Wednesday 21st September at 10am. 

Please remember that Kindergarten children come to school at the later time of 10am. Children come dressed in plain pastel colours and in the company of their parents on that day. 

The children will present a short Spring Circle of verses and songs and a shared morning tea will follow. Please bring a plate of home baked goods to share. 

After the festival, children may go home with their parents, go with their parents to watch the Primary Festival or stay on at school with their teacher for the remainder of the day. Please make your intentions known to me, so I know what families and children are doing. 

Flowers for the festival are most welcome and it would be helpful if they were sent to school on the Tuesday before the festival on Wednesday morning. 

We are looking forward to celebrating Spring with all our families. 

Francine and Maya 

Class 1/2

Thank you to all the families who came to the Spring Fair, it was a lovely day! The children were great in the Circus show! 

This week we have been making Snakes and Ladders boards (which isn’t as easy as you might imagine). Now you can have a fun holiday board game on hand! 

The children have really spread their reading wings this term. Please keep reading to your children and listening to them read to you. Give them 10 seconds to ponder a word before jumping in to help them. Don’t forget the classics, like the original Alice in Wonderland, Pippi Longstocking and series such as Narnia. Poetry is good to read too. Poems by AA Milne and Spike Milligan can be fun. 

Please let your child help you around the house by letting them measure things, for example, when you’re using tape measures or cooking using jugs, tablespoons etc. All of these life skills are great when it comes to working mathematically at school. 

Can you please send in a sturdy shopping bag for your children’s work, so they can bring it home next week – Wednesday is the last day of Term 3 for us. 

We have Cross Country and the Spring Festival next week. Please read other sections of this newsletter for details. 

We hope you have a fabulous spring holiday. 

Safe travels, Julie and Meredith 

Class 3/4

Class 3/4 have been buzzing with excitement this week as we prepare for our Maypole presentation which will be happening at the Spring Festival. The children have shown persistence, teamwork and problem-solving skills as they learn the ins and outs of the Maypole Dance.  

Spring on the Farm Main Lesson continues this week as we listen to stories of the Shearer, the Farmer and the Working Dogs, who all put in a full day’s work on the farm too. Woven into these lessons are the concepts of telling the time, converting time from digital to analogue and keeping records such as rain charts. 

We’re excited about our visit from Farmer Jake, who will be coming today with his working dogs. He will talk to us about what happens on the farm during spring, and will be giving us a working dog demonstration.  

 We can’t wait to see our families at Spring Festival on Wednesday! 

Amy & Holly 

Class 5/6

Congratulations to all the classes for their circus and orchestra performances last Saturday and to Stuart and Prem for supporting these achievements. It was so wonderful to have the school community together on site for the first Fair in a long time! 

Class 5/6 have been very much enjoying their Geometry Main Lesson as they learn to bisect angles and also use their compasses and rulers with accuracy to divide a circle into 6, 12 and 24 points. We have even made a beautiful spiral form using right angles! There is some fantastic artwork arising from these, and we share them with you here.  

This week the class has also been presenting their group tasks from our A Waltz With Matilda novel study, which has been a wonderful and creative way to investigate the themes from the story, and understand Australian history, especially around the interface of cultures in the time approaching Federation. 

During their Japanese lessons, the students have been hearing the story of Sadako and are making beautiful paper cranes from very special origami paper Sayoko purchased in Japan. We are so lucky to have Sayoko and the authentic Japanese culture and spellbinding stories and creative tasks that she brings! 

The students are also planning with Stephanie Smith and Rebecca to organise the sports shed and begin a caretaker role for this area as leaders of the school.  

Please could families ensure that each student has a raincoat and hat every day in their bags – especially next term! 

Have a restful term break, 

Steph and Lee