Keep up-to-date with your child’s learning with these short weekly updates from their teachers. Click on the buttons below to go straight to your child’s class, or find out what others are up to!

Kindergarten/Boronia Room

The Kindy children are working hard learning the songs and verses for the Summer Festival that they will be presenting to their families next Wednesday,14th January. The children are feeling both nervous and excited by the approaching last days of Kindergarten. 

The children have been revelling in sand and water play this week with the warm and sunny days. It is always such a pleasure to witness the joy and excitement that this play brings out in the children. It’s such a hall mark of their Kindergarten days. 

I would like to thank the Kindergarten families for all your support and care throughout the year. It has been so nice working with your children they are so beautiful, enthusiastic and fun loving. Thank you so very much. 

Wishing everyone a relaxing Summer break and a joyous Christmas. 

Francine and Maya 

Class 1/2

This is our last class news for the year and my last time writing on behalf of class 1/2. 

The class have been busy making Xmas decorations; we seem to be making our Xmas craft from food….Dried orange slices, strings of popcorn and salty dough tree decorations. In Italian, the children make great decorations with Jess! 

Next Monday is our bush day, Tuesday will mostly be a pack up, clean up day and Wednesday is our last day. The Christmas assembly is at 11:30, where all families are invited. 

Please send in a bag for your child to bring their books etc home. We will send sun hats home to be washed. There is an EXTRAORDINARY amount of lost property near the top kitchen. If you know your child has lost clothes, water bottles and other miscellaneous items, please have a look there. 

READERS and WORD LIST CARDS; please search your house and bring back what you can find. Thank you! 

I’d like to thank everyone for a very special Year. This year we have reestablished the daily and weekly rhythms which are so vital to our school days. It took some time after a bumpy couple of years, but I really feel we have made it back! 

Wishing you a safe, happy and relaxing holiday. 

Warmest wishes, 

Julie, Meredith and Amy

Class 3/4

And just like that our last school week of the year has snuck up on us. We started our very last and short main lesson Patterns and Problem Solving. The children first thought about all the areas in our lives where we use maths. The responses were wide-ranging from landscaping, construction, baking, cooking to reading the time so you can leave on time to catch a plane, going to the doctor and banking. The class heard the story of Rene Descartes and how he is the father of modern mapping and the coordinate system. All it took was for Descartes to observe a fly on his ceiling while he was lying in bed. We then made a game board to play battleships on. At the same time as making our own boardgame the children practised using their rulers properly, measuring and the two times table. Those who finished were able to play against each other.  

We also solved some number problems, looked for patterns and got stuck into Ken Kens and Sudokus.  

On Tuesday we did some Christmas craft and said goodbye to all the Kindergarten children who have been great buddy readers to our Class 4 children.  

On Wednesday we treated ourselves to a train trip to Glenbrook Park and the new playground there. There was so much excitement! Everyone did so well: sticking together whilst crossing the road, walking with a partner and being mindful of all the other visitors to the park. Well done Class 3/4, what a lovely day we had! Once we got back to school Jess was waiting for the children with a beautiful Christmas art project. Everyone made a Christmas ornament to take home that very same afternoon.  

Mare is planning a concert next Tuesday with all the 3/4 children to show the school what they have been working on and how far they have come this year. It is also to give especially the Class 2 children a taste of what is awaiting them next year.  

With that I’d like to say Thank you very much for entrusting your children into my care! Holly and I have had a wonderful year and we will miss our Class 3/4 children very much!  

We wish you safe and happy holidays,  

Isabelle & Holly 

Class 5/6

Last Monday, Kenta’s Mum Aki came in to work with Sayoko and Class 6 making Mochi, just as they did in Class 4 – for Class 6 it’s a great time of sentimental reflection and excitedly looking forward to what’s next. We look forward to celebrating their school journey and achievements next Saturday evening at their Class 6 Farewell dinner. Hosted by the wonderful Class 5 waiters and their families, the Class 6 students will each give a performance on an achievement or interest area of their choosing, and celebrate a Japanese-themed evening with food and speeches and then dance the night away at a disco run by Ravian. Today, Class 6 is at Raging Waters Sydney enjoying a traditional day out together celebrating the end of primary school. 

Ravian also very kindly ran an IT day for us yesterday where the students learned about computers and the history of the internet, componentry, the Operating System, Data storage and much more on their way to creating their very own ClipChamp video which was then screened for the class. It was amazing to hold the tiny elements in our hands of that which sends and receives data across our world. Thank you, Ravian! 

Earlier in the week the students worked on developing their own ‘Lawn-mowing Business’ as they used fun and realistic scenarios to explore and calculate profit and loss for our Business Maths Main lesson – there are so many Hazelbrook mowing businesses now to choose from including ‘Moses’ Mowing’! Next Monday we have our bushwalk with Paul (all students will need sunscreen, a water bottle and a hat please), festival rehearsals on Tuesday and of course our Class 6 Farewell/ Summer Assembly on Wednesday. Please send in a sturdy cloth bag for your child to take their Main Lesson books home.  

Important dates for your diary: 

10th December (Saturday): 5pm Class 6 Farewell  

12th December (Monday) Bushwalk 

14th December (Wednesday) 11.45am Summer Assembly (and final day of term). 

Wishing our whole school community a meaningful, safe and restful holiday season. We wish Class 6 a smooth and exciting transition to high school, and look forward to having Class 4 join our beautiful Class 5 students next year as the new senior class! Also, we wish Ezekiel, Moana and Neriya a very Happy Birthday just after school finishes – enjoy your celebrations! 

Steph and Lee