Kindergarten and Primary

  • Wednesday 21 September 2022
  • Please drop flowers and vines before 9am, in front of Library
  • Kindergarten children and families arrive at 10am
  • Primary families arrive 11:40am, for 11:45am start
  • Bring picnic blankets and food for trip to Lawson Oval
  • Transport your own children to and from Lawson Oval
  • The school bus will be available for students whose parents cannot attend
  • The day will finish at 2:30pm.

The Blue Mountains Steiner School Spring Festival, Spring Games and Picnic will be held on Wednesday, 21 September 2022, starting at 11:45am. It is also the last day of term – we hope to celebrate this beautiful time of year together.

Kindergarten children sing a morning circle.

Kindergarten will celebrate their own Spring Festival at 10am (see note that went home two weeks ago), which families are invited to attend.

Please remember to bring your Kindergarten children, dressed in plain pastel colours, to school at the later time of 10am.

Kindies will then be joining with the whole school in the Primary breezeway (between Classrooms 1/2 and 3/4).

The Primary School festival will start at 11:45am. Families are invited to arrive at 11:40am to take their places near the breezeway for the Maypole, Spring Dances, singing and orchestra.

Flowers and vines for the Spring Festival can be left in front of the Library before 9am on Wednesday morning.

Families are then asked to take your own children to Lawson Oval (Ferris Lane, Lawson) for our Spring Games and picnic. Please bring picnic blankets and food.

Children without parents at school will catch the school bus to and from the Oval, and the day will finish at 2.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

Grevillea flower