Please remember to use the Service NSW COVID Safe Check-in when visiting the school grounds. Look for the COVID Safe QR code posters and make sure you sign in at the school office, in accordance with our visitor guidelines.

Parents and carers are reminded that students must not attend school if they are unwell, even with the mildest of symptoms. Students must return a negative COVID-19 test and be symptom-free prior to returning to school.

Parents and carers dropping off and picking up students do not need to check in using the QR code.

Parents, staff and students are not currently required to wear face masks at school.

Parents and carers can enter the school to:

  • meet with school staff with an appointment
  • drop off students for Preschool, Kindergarten and Years 1 and 2
  • attend parent/teacher meetings. Meetings should be limited to 1 hour where possible
  • Driveway pick up is available at the end of the main school driveway near Playgroup (see map)
  • Park and pick up – please meet your child at the ballcourt.

Parents are asked to avoid coming on to school grounds unless the visit complies with the current school guidelines, such as volunteering via prior arrangement. If you’re interested in volunteering, please get in touch, we have many projects waiting to get started!

Keep up to date with Term 1 2021 COVID19 guidelines here:

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