We are seeking an Early Childhood Educator who is looking for rewarding work in an experienced and supportive team with favourable wages.

Blue Mountains Steiner School Early Learning is looking for Early Childhood Educators with training or interest in Steiner philosophy. Applicants are required to hold a Certificate III and/or Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care to qualify. We place a high value on working within a Restorative Practices Framework.
We are seeking an experienced, energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate candidate who is committed to teaching and learning within a restorative practice mindset.
The successful applicant will report to the Director, Early Learning, and be energetic, enthusiastic, experienced and passionate about teaching and learning. This is a casual position with a view to more permanent shifts as they become available.
How to apply
Please email your resume and a cover letter to Director, Early Learning at earlylearning@bluemountainssteiner.nsw.edu.au.