“Whilst the mountain trips were always hard, they taught me to never give up and through time the summit would always be obtained.”

Kinaesthetic Learning

  • Foundation for academic readiness
  • Foundation for academic skill building
  • Experiential
  • Multi-sensory
  • Left/right brain learning
  • Proprioceptive
  • Body smart
  • Collaborative
  • Engaging
  • Fun!

Read more about our main lesson

“I will never forget the camps and excursions from my time at Blue Mountains Steiner School. Not only were they heaps of fun, but they gave me the skills to travel all over the world and try new things. They have helped me to get so much more out of my life and to really appreciate wild places!”


Integrated Learning

  • An interdisciplinary approach
  • Main lesson theme to tie together all of the disciplines
  • Brings a higher level of understanding and a greater appreciation for the world
  • Synthesis of learning through a hands-on curriculum
  • Interconnectedness grows active engagement
  • Allows for exploration and realisation

Read more about our teaching philosophy

“I just loved the camps and excursions. These were times when the whole class came together, hung out together and supported each other. I also loved that the camps completely supported the main lesson subjects. It was so much better to learn from the life and experiences around us rather than always in the classroom.”

Living Classroom

  • A calm and peaceful bush setting to enhance inner peace and tranquility
  • Setting for widened exploration to overcome antipathy or adversity through hands-on experiences
  • Excursions,camps and festivals that create a strong sense of community
  • Rigorous outdoor education program that reflects the developmental and integrated curriculum
  • Lessons brought to life
  • Collaboration
  • Problem solving
  • Experiences for life
  • Developing future leaders
  • Bush kindy program
  • Fun!

Read more about our outdoor education program

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